Club Bylaws



Employer I. D. No. 23-2128587

Revised December 2013






Section 1.1  The name of the corporation is MORGANTOWN ROD AND GUN CLUB (the "Club"). The location of its registered office is Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania.






Section 2.1  The Club does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise and the specific purposes for which it is formed are:


Section 2.2  To provide facilities where persons interested in the sports of hunting and fishing may meet to practice these sports, for instruction and practice in the safe handling of firearms and for the provision of other wholesome recreational and social activities for the members and their families.






Section 3.1  Any adult (minimum age of 18 years) individual who desires to join the Club for the purposes set forth above is eligible for membership.


Section 3.2  Any individual requesting membership shall apply in writing, under such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Club.


Section 3.3  Applicants for membership must:

a.     Be sponsored by a current member in good standing. (see Section 3.4)

b.     Attend both the meeting where application is submitted and the meeting where the application is voted upon.

c.     Submit any applicable non-refundable initiation fee in full when applying for membership.

d.     Submit to a background check. Only applicants who successfully pass the background check will be eligible for membership.


Section 3.4  Sponsors must:

a.     Must have been a member for one full calendar year.

b.     May only sponsor two members per any calendar year.

c.     Must attend both the meeting where application is submitted and the meeting where the application is voted upon.

d.     Be responsible for the new member until such time as the new member qualifies to sponsor other members.


Section 3.5  All applications for membership shall be acted upon at the next club meeting following the application submittal. The application shall be voted on by all members present.


Section 3.6  New member background check:

a.     Any felony is grounds for immediate rejection.

b.     Other findings will be discussed and voted on by the Executive Committee.


Section 3.7  The application will be accepted, rejected or referred for further investigation and/or consideration by a majority vote of the members present. If the majority cast their votes against the acceptance of said application, then said application shall be recorded as rejected.






Section 4.1  The annual dues and initiation fee shall be reviewed and recommendations made from time to time by the Officers and/or Trustees at a duly called meeting of Club. Final voting on the recommended change shall occur after said change has been read at two consecutive meetings.


Section 4.2  The fiscal year shall begin January 1, and any member not having paid his or her dues by the first of February shall be automatically dropped from membership.


Section 4.3  Any member dropped for non-payment of dues must apply for membership as a new member.






Section 5.1  The offices shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The club shall also elect four Trustees.


Section 5.2  The officers and trustees shall constitute the Executive Committee






Section 6.1  President - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meeting and call all special meetings. He shall appoint all committees and be an exofficio member of all committees.


Section 6.2  Vice President - It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume responsibilities in the absence of the President and assist the President.


Section 6.3  Secretary - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record the minutes of all meetings, read and file all communications, maintain record of Officers and Trustees and terms, and mail notices of all special meeting or events to the members. He shall keep a register of all members.


Section 6.4  Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain record of dues and fee schedule, receive all dues and monies due the Club. He shall deposit in a bank all such funds in the name of the corporation. He shall pay all authorized bills.


Section 6.5  Trustees- It shall be the duty of the Trustees to participate in supervision of all the activities and assets of the Club. 


Section 6.6  If any charge is brought against any Officer or Trustee, for neglect of duty or conduct unbecoming his office, the same shall be referred to a special committee appointed by the President to make a thorough investigation of the charges and report to the Club at the next regular meeting for their action. No officer shall be removed from office except by a two thirds vote of the members present.






Section 7.1  At the October meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of 2 members.


Section 7.2  At the November Meeting, the President shall take nominations from the Nominating Committee and from the floor for all offices of the Club.


Section 7.3  Elections shall be held at the December Meeting.


Section 7.4  Terms of elective officers, with the exception of the Trustees, shall commence January 1 and shall be for a term of one year, or until a successor has been elected.


Section 7.5  Terms of the Trustees, shall commence January 1 and shall be for a term of four years, or until a successor has been elected.


Section 7.6  Any member in good standing and having been a member for at least two full calendar years shall be eligible to hold office, except that in order to be eligible to hold the office of President, a member must have held another elected office of the Club for a period of one full calendar year or more.






Section 8.1  In the event of a vacancy in any elective office of the Club, either by death, resignation or removal for any other cause, they shall be nominated and elected at the regular meeting, providing due notice has been given the members.


Section 8.2  If any officer is absent for three consecutive meetings without a good cause, his office may be declared vacant by a majority note of the members present at the regular meeting.



Section 8.3  If and when the office of Secretary or Treasurer becomes vacant, the President shall immediately review the books and accounts and obtain possession of the books of the Club. The President shall cause all funds and properties to be transferred to the duly elected successor Secretary or Treasurer.






Section 9.1  A quorum shall consist of five members in good standing.


Section 9.2  A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of the President and at least four other members of the Executive Committee.






Section 10.1  The regular meetings shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Club property in Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County or at such place as shall be designated by the President.


Section 10.2  Any member in good standing shall be entitled to vote on any matter that shall come before the meeting.


Section 10.3  In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.






Section 11.1  All resolutions shall be presented in writing at any regular meeting by a member in good standing. Resolutions may be presented orally with the permission of the President.






Section 12.1  The bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed at any regular meeting by a two thirds majority vote of the members present, providing they are read at three consecutive meetings.