2019 Dues / newsletter

Post date: Dec 14, 2018 10:9:57 PM

You should be receiving your Club’s annual newsletter in the mail very soon. Enclosed with the newsletter will also be your dues notice for 2019 dues. You will want to get your dues back to us as soon as possible. We have in the past been very lenient on accepting dues payments well after their due date of January 31st. As this represents a large inconvenience to those responsible for dues receipt and membership card mailings as well as keeping the number of renewals in limbo for an extended period of time, your officers have determined to institute a policy which will hopefully encourage timely payment by every one.

If your dues are not received before the 31st of January you will be assessed a $10.00 late payment fee, regardless of dues type. You will then have until Feb 28th to submit your dues in full along with the late fee. As of March 1st if your dues have not been received you membership will be cancelled. You will then need to reapply for membership as a new member going through the normal process for all new members including finding a sponsor, payment of fees for background check, etc.

Please complete the enclosed card showing dues paid, number of raffle tickets and / or NRA meal tickets purchased and any donations. You can also use the card to advise us of any change of address, phone number or email. If you purchase raffle tickets the stubs will be returned along with your membership card. NRA meal tickets will be forwarded when received by the club. The NRA banquet will be held on February 23, 2019 at the Spooky Nook Sports Complex in Manheim, PA.

If you have not received your newsletter by January 18, 2019 please contact the club at morrodandgun@gmail.com